I have many guitars. Although each one is generally inspected and tested when received, they then wait in line for more detailed inspections, tests and good pictures taken ....and work done if needed. Until then I simply post pictures given to me by the previous owner along with his / her condition report and my notes of observations during my initial general inspection.
This Steel is one that I have had the opportunity to inspect externally and take good pictures of. Following Industry Standards of the last 10 years or-so; Unless I have some specific reason to do so, I do not invade (disassemble) a guitar of vintage value, and don't even clean them beyond an innocuous wipe down UNLESS I have a Buyer's permission to do so. This is a wise Industry Standard since there are many people selling guitars that don't have the expertise nor knowledge to even clean, much less invade, a guitar without a considerable chance of doing irreversible damage .....even substantial damage and even ruining a vintage guitar; And buying old vintage guitars usually involves working with people that Buyers, Sellers and Brokers don't know. So Industry Standard has become that professional and wise Sellers should leave a guitar pretty much as-is unless / until told to do specific things by a Buyer. And it is wise for a Buyer to make a reasonable assessment of a Seller's ability to do things desired / requested.
At the time of taking these pictures in August 2008, I played this Steel for about an hour along to CD's of a variety of music styles. It plays well with no operational issues.
This El Grande steel guitar was one of National Valco's economy models, probably marketed through jobbers. It had no clear coat over it's finish, so the plain paint finish on their old Steels are often quite checked and flaking in a number of places, like this Steel; Usually from living in a humid environment, but with some body sweat abuse also on this Steel. It's metal hardware has some surface corrosion that will clean up reasonably well ...and quite well if some attention is given to cleaning it up. See notes below on this Steel's finish and surface corrosion.
This Steel is otherwise in Very Good to Excellent condition.
Contrary to the previous owner's stating on page 1 that the tuners are replacement tuners, ....the tuning machines are original and in Very Good to Excellent condition but again with some surface corrosion that is not difficult to clean up.
As an economy model this Steel's pickup has one magnet on one side of the bunker top and an identical non-magnetic slug on the other. More expensive models used 2 magnets instead of having 1 non-magnetic plug. Extremely powerful Rare Eartch magnet sets are available for about $50 a pair and make these great pickups even substantially better.
This Steel comes with a fibreboard case which has one of it's leather hinges broken and needing repair if desired by a Buyer. Pictues of case will be added soon.
Information, suggestions and issues I've noticed will be added to the pictures on these webpages to show same.
I can do any of the work shown on these pages. I show work needed here so that a Buyer can determine what needs to be done, and what he / she might be able to do themselves. Electric steel guitars are a remarkably simple piece of machinery. There are many good guitar repair books with just about as many instructions and tricks a person would need to know about electric guitars; Here's my favorite book. It's also good and rewarding to learn to do guitar repairs and learn how simple they actually are for a patient person with reasonable skills with hand tools.
Although I have not yet found anything on this guitar requiring an experienced guitar technician; If I do find something I think would require an experienced technician, I will specifically say it and make that obvious here and mark it so the item and it's need for professional care can' be missed.
Keep in mind that many of the pictures on these webpages are enlarged 2 to 3 times more than real-life size.
Although this Steel Guitar is an excellent platform for a refinish or custom work; Still, should a person desire to keep the existing finish on this Steel Guitar :
To show that the paint finish flaking and surface corrosion on this Steel Guitar is in quite secure and stable condition, caused mostly by poorly maintained body sweat (not wiping down after playing) and not some other more nocuous cause. Click Here to read some brief information about body sweat upon old paint finishes and metal surfaces, relative to this Steel Guitar.